Welcome to my blog, Exceptionalities in the Classroom. I hope this is a useful resource for teachers and parents alike. I have amassed a collection of resources that I find to be valuable in helping me understand and accommodate all my students in the classroom. Please refer to the list of exceptionalities on the side bar to the right for a complete list of resources.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Emotional & Behavioural Disorders

*In order to designated with an emotional or behavioural disorder one must exhibit one or more of the following behaviours to an intense degree over a long period (90 days in B.C) of time.

  1. Inability to learn that is inexplicable: In the past the child has done fine, but suddenly grades go from high to low without an apparent trigger.
  2. Inability to build & maintain relationships: Children who never have friends to play with, often loners. These children are at risk in committing suicide.
  3. Inappropriate behaviour under normal circumstances: Generally juvenile delinquents who exhibit over the top behaviour.
  4. General, pervasive unhappiness: There is no apparent reason for their sadness/depression.
  5. Tendency to develop physical symptoms: These children show their emotions with their body. They may have phobias, eating disorders, hive, get physically sick, be self-cutters, or have OCDC. (Heikkila)

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