Welcome to my blog, Exceptionalities in the Classroom. I hope this is a useful resource for teachers and parents alike. I have amassed a collection of resources that I find to be valuable in helping me understand and accommodate all my students in the classroom. Please refer to the list of exceptionalities on the side bar to the right for a complete list of resources.


Scattered Minds: A New Look at the Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder. Mate, Dr. Gabor. (1999) Toronto: Random House of Canada Limited.  
This a book written by a man with ADHD, who also has three children who also all have ADHD.  The author is also a doctor thus providing a book with three unique perspectives: the patient, the parent and the physician. 

http://www.chaddcanada.org/: CHADD is a non-profit organization seeking to educate other of ADHD, while offering support and advocacy for those individuals living with ADHD. There are branches across Canada offering presentations and conferences for those seeking to learn more. They also organize support groups for individuals and the families of those living with or close to ADHD.

http://www.adhdcanada.com/: This a Canadian resource for parents, professionals and patients. Some of the links are not functioning but I have included it because there are some great children's books on the website that help to portray ADHD in a kid-friendly way.
http://www.add.org/: This website offers much support and information about ADHD for those who are curious and for those who are diagnosed with ADHD. There are links to a variety of support groups, ADD Professionals, and Webinars (online seminars). This site would be most useful to those that want to become more involved in ADHD world community.

http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/specialed/adhd/: This British Columbia's Ministry of Education site offers teachers support and advice for providing an inclusive classroom for students with ADHD. Information is provided about what ADHD and the different diagnostic criteria.
Lougy, R. A., DeRuvo, S. L., Rosenthal, (2007) D. Teaching  Young Children with ADHD : Successful Strategies and Practical Interventions for preK-3. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
This book spoke to me as it is a resource especially for the primary years.  It goes over what exactly ADHD is, how it poses challenges in the classroom setting and strategies for classroom management.