This is the website for the Learning Disabilities Association of Canada (LDAC). This is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about what a learning disability is, what it means to have a learning disability, where you can get help and what the research is saying. The section 'LD and You' offers information for parents, children/youth, adults and professionals. I like that there is a special section on what it means to be an adult living with an LD. This is a website focusing on learning disabilities and ADHD. The site offers descriptions of the "basics" for LD and ADHD. A wide variety of LD topics are covered ranging from describing the difficulties associated with different types of LDs to offering tips and suggestions for parents and educators. There are sections for educators, parents and children. Under the section for educators there is a list of suggestions for adapting your classroom to help a child with an LD learn. The site offers specific tips for teaching writing, reading and mathematics.
Ysseldyke, J. E., Algozzine, R. (2006) Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities: A Practical Guide for Every Teacher. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Corwin Press.
This book offers easy to read information all about learning disabilities. It covers what they are, how common they are, what causes them, how they are assessed and characteristics associated with learning disabilities. There is also great information for teachers on what professionals need to know before working with students that have learning disabilities and ways to better teach those students.
Bender, W. N. (2008) Differentiating Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities: Best Teaching Practices for General and Special Educators. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.
This book teaches about differentiated instruction, what it is and how to implement it in the classroom. It gives tips for planning a differentiated lessons and some of the results seen by structuring lessons that way. There is a section on how to adapt lessons specifically for teaching tactics for students with learning disabilities. This is a site focused on dyslexia. It offers descriptions on what dyslexia is and ways to tell who may have it. There are some tips on how to work most effectively with students that have dyslexia. This website uses programs licensed and certified by Davis Dyslexia Association International. This is the BC Ministry of Education's website with information for teaching students with Learning and Behavioural Differences. The website explains who, as in which students, need extra help. There are strategies for elementary and secondary students as well as information for in-class interventions. This site also offers a list of recommended and additional resources.